
The Beautiful Landscapes of Hainan Tour

Hainan Island and Hawaii in a similar latitude, the coastline can be developed into a world-class tourist destination of tourist resources, the island year-round climate, seasonal flowers, minerals, rich in animal and plant resources, especially oil and gas reserves considerable. Nurtured by the tropical rainforest and mangrove forest types in China rare, is to carry out scientific research, tourism and teaching the best choice land.

Yalong Bay is located 28 kilometers southeast of Sanya City, Hainan is the southernmost of a half-moon bay, is about 7.5 km. Yalong Bay Beach stretches eight kilometers wide and flat, shallow area 50-60 m wide, soft white sand, crystal clear water clarity, visibility 7-9 meters, domestic unique natural resources. Underwater world rich in resources, coral reefs, tropical fish, rare shellfish. The annual average temperature of 25.5 ° C, water temperature 22-25.1 ° C, known as the "Number One Beach." Bay set ocean, beach, sun, green, fresh air in one of the five elements of modern tourism, showing a significant tropical maritime climate, suitable for swimming and to carry out the four seasons of sea sports. Bay area of ​​66 square kilometers, which can accommodate thousands of people leisure tour, thousands of cruising yachts chase.

Size Cave Nanshan Tourism Zone (formerly the scenic wonders of seamounts, called Aoshan size of the Cave), pillow sea rise steeply, as the ancient city of the south barrier Ya Zhou is the history of Hainan Island, one of the oldest attractions, but also because of its strange and beautiful sea view , Mountain View, formations and Dongjing, known as the first eight centuries of Qiongya landscape attractions. Area, the Yazhou Bay arc chord Barry, boundless expanse of blue; Aoshan Cloudland Lin Tsui, rock Qidong quiet; between mountain and sea is like a magnificent scroll simple drawing. Since ancient times, many men of letters linger in Nanshan size of the Cave, there are still "little cave", "stool", "seamounts wonders," "fairy foot," "try Jianfeng" and other ancient poetry Cliff. Size Cave tour in 1962, when Guo, called: "South Austin Ming Qi"

