
The Facts of Hainan Tour 2

On the island year-round climate, seasonal flowers, minerals, rich in animal and plant resources, especially oil and gas reserves considerable. Nurtured by the tropical rainforest and mangrove forest types in China rare, is to carry out scientific research, tourism and teaching the best choice land. 4,200 plants have been found, accounting for 15% of plant species, there are nearly 600 species of Hainan Te. 4200 species of plants, trees and shrubs more than 1400 kinds, accounting for 28.6% of types of trees and shrubs, including 800 kinds of high economic value of timber species; 2500 kinds of medicinal plants, accounting for about 30% of medicinal plants , including 137 kinds of anti-cancer effects of plants; 142 kinds of fruit trees; 89 kinds of oil plants; other economic plants of nearly 200 species. Wild reptiles, 104 kinds of animals, accounting for 29.5%; 76 kinds of mammals, accounting for 18.6%. Hainan in China's rich biological occupies a very prominent position, the conservation of biological diversity is one of the priorities of the Hainan Forestry. Now being included in the national protected 58 species of plants, including a 1 species, two 19 species, three 38 kinds; protected animals 133 kinds, including the national level, 14 species of two 87 species of provincial 32 kinds .

Most mountains on Hainan Island 500 to 800 meters, in fact, low hills and mountain terrain. More than 1000 meters above sea level there are 81 peaks, as in the low rolling hills above the Changyuan, more than 1,500 m above sea level peaks with Five Fingers, Yinggeling, Russia bristles Ridge, monkey Mi Ling, Tai Ling and hanging Luo Jakarta Hill. These mountains roughly three major mountain ranges: the Five Fingers mountain range in central Hainan Island, the main peak elevation of 1867.1 meters, is the highest mountain in Hainan Island; parrot Ridge Mountains in northwest Fingers, peak elevation of 1811.6 meters; Hainan Island in central high surrounded by low-lying, more Most major rivers originate in the central highlands, composed of radial water. The island into the sea alone a total of 154 rivers, of which the surface than 100 square kilometers and 38 bar. Nandu River, Changhua River, River to Hainan Island, the three rivers, three rivers of the drainage area of ​​the entire island area of ​​47%. Nandu originated in Baisha County, South Mountain, oblique penetration north of the island, to Qiongshan into the sea, a total length of 311 km; Changhua Jiang Fayuan air show in Qiongzhong Ridge, across the west of Hainan Island, Hong Kong into the sea to Changhua, length 230 km; Wanquanhe two upstream points north and south, respectively, originated Qiongzhong Fingers and Fengmenling, two flow confluence Qionghai Longjiang hekou Tsui, Hong Kong into the sea to Boao, mainstream length of 163 km.

